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Guest Book
If you would like to know the first step towards
volunteerism, then please CLICK HERE.
Note: The Tara Bhavan Home is currently seeking
financial assistance in helping run the home. Please contact 03-40443381.
Here are some voluntary work that are available:
- Malaysian Humanitarian Foundation have programs for new volunteers. It
covers four major aspect of humanitarian work: the disabled, children,
elderly and Hospice. Tel: 03-22722020
- YMCA, Brickfields are looking volunteers to tutor primary school
children. Tel: 03-22741439
(Alicia) or email program@ymcakl.com
- Welcome Drop-In Centre needs volunteers for counselling
and administration work. Training will be provided. Tel: 03-2010981
- Pusat Kebajikan Good Shepherd needs volunteers to give
tuition to the students who need special attention. Tel: 03-4563237
- Kapar Gift of Love Home is looking for volunteers to
give tuition and conduct activities for the children. Tel: 03-3334216
- Assunta Children's Society needs volunteers to be
facilitators to children with learning difficulties. Tel: 03-7937105
- Rumah Keluarga Kami needs volunteers to provide tuition
and administration work for the home. Tel: 03-8367877
- Rumah Kanak-kanak Impian needs volunteers to help the
children with their studies. Tel: 03-7756987
- Rumah St. Vincent De Paul need volunteers to provide
tuition. Tel: 03-3332606
- Montfort Boy's Town needs volunteers to conduct
language classes, coaching sports teams and teaching music. Tel: 03-5591735
- Canossa Welfare Centre needs volunteers to help
students with their studies. Tel: 03-6214706
- Educare Centre is looking for volunteers to assist
students with their studies and also Tamil-speakers who can help visit
families in the area. Tel: 03-3659894
- St. Anthony's Training Centre needs volunteers who can
teach music, handicraft, cooking, languages and literacy. Also needs
physiotherapists to conduct therapy programmes for rehabilitation. Tel:
- Home for The Aged is looking for volunteers to help in
various functions. Tel: 03-9311464
- Sunset Home needs volunteers to help in administrative
work and the up keeping of the home. Tel: 06-6310897
- Catholic Women's League needs women volunteers to join
and give support. Tel: 03-2553008
- St. Joseph's Home needs volunteers to be a mentor to
the children. Tel: 04-2635418
- La Salle Learning Centre is looking for volunteers to
help children with their learning process. Tel: 04-2617614
- Home for Single Mothers is looking for female
volunteers . Tel: 05-5479842
- Rose Virgine Welcome Home needs volunteers to teach
handicraft and tuition. Tel: 05-5467031
- I.J. Learning Centre needs volunteers to help
children with their studies. Tel: 04-3248366
For more information on the homes and organisations listed
above, please refer to the relevant pages in this website.
Note: Some homes require volunteers as well. So, if you're interested, please
look into the relevant pages and give- them a call.
If you know of some voluntary work or are looking for some people to join you
for some volunteer service, please send me the details at charitymsia@hotmail.com